Hello, My name is Zoe Christina Solaris and I am here to help you plug back into the Source of all Support and Guidance that will practically, reliably - and miraculously- help bring your Dreams to Life.

Maybe you can relate: I landed on this earth galvanized with a sense of purpose to change things for the better. I had no idea "what" or "how" - I just knew I had come to change the world for the better in some big way.

My mother was a war refugee and somehow by the age of 27 I had worked with the United Nations and in the world's largest refugee camps, with survivors tortured at the hands of their governments, and on the edge of war zones. I had worked for the Senate, the Public Service, International Organizations, Non-Profits, Advocacy Groups, Grass Roots Activists - you name it. I had a degree in Human Rights and a Masters in Law and Diplomacy in progress. I had tried EVERY WAY I POSSIBLY COULD to make a difference. And I knew none of it was even making a DENT.

So I prayed. I prayed to fulfill the massive calling I knew my Soul came in with. And just like that - I had a near-death experience.

There is something more profound than I think can ever be put into words about near-death experiences. Because it's not necessarily about what you experience - sometimes it's about the death of the experiencer. Sometimes it's about being inhaled back into God and exhaled back out again - with the stardust in your bones now somehow active and directing your Life.

In any event - I was given the answer I was looking for. An answer that had been right in front of my face all along. Because the truth was that no matter where I was - whether it was in the middle of the world's largest refugee camp, or sitting in a UN compound, or holding hands with people who had lost everything in war but still managed to get up and survive each day... Whether it was in talking to 16 year-old child bride mothers or Zimbabwean human rights lawyers who had survived the Mugabe regime ...

They all had one thing in common. The same thing as Gandhi and Mandela and a long list of GREATS who have catalyzed massive change. And that one thing is? A direct personal and practical relationship with Spirit.

For most of my life I prayed for a big enough lever to change the world. It turns out that that Lever was in the world but not of it. That lever was a direct personal and practical relationship with the Living Presence of the Divine.

Laugh all you want if you're a skeptic (curious how you got here!) ... but let me tell you. There is nothing quite like an experience of coming to the end of your power and the limit of your capacity - and hitting a big giant WALL where nothing works anymore - to turn a Soul towards God.

Show me someone with a prayer to change the world and I'll show you someone who has opened to a power greater than their own limited human capacity. The death of a small egoic "I can do it" self is a small price to pay for the fulfillment of the Vision you've been entrusted with.

Near Death Experiences - no matter how ecstatic, tend to come with an additional feature: the need to recover from post tramatic stress. This need for healing propelled me into the arms and teachings of my first Master Spiritual Teachers who put me through 7 years of rigorous initiation. A some point in those 7 years during a graduation ceremony ...I was given a direct vision and command of my calling:

It said "the world is careening towards a cliff and we are in an age of collective awakening. Your task is to find the next generations of Mandelas and Gandhis - but they will not be a few - they will be in the thousands. Your task is to prepare them to step into the actualization of their callings and missions. There is no time. Your job is to radicaly accelerate their mission fulfillment. You will be given everything to share with them."

That night I went home and my Taxi got lost and pulled up in front of a Church to seek direction (I know, it's an apt metaphor). Within two weeks I found myself writing what I had received in a vision in an application to Harvard Divinity School - which until then I didn't know existed. I received a Full Ride and Fellowship for a Master of Divinity on the basis of my calling.

Since then I've had the complete joy of receiving, crafting and teaching an extraordinary set of blessings to that have contributed to over 300 acres of protected rainforest, $42 million dollars of conservation funding, and over a 100 endangered species protected. Not to make any mention of the colossal personal wins and transformations that take place along the way. Because martyrdom must die with us as we reclaim radical thriving and wholeness - not just as outcome - but as process.

What can I say. The point here is not a long story full of highlights. The point here is that the Divine is utterly real and absolutely willing to Intercede in our Lives and in the deathscape of decaying postmodern secular conusmerist wastelands that toxify the planet.

Come. Let's awaken your gift. Let's make good on the Vision.
I've got things to share with you to help Realize all of it.
I'm here to Mobilize the Mystery and Wage the Miraculous.
Join me and let's see just what good we can get up to.

This year marks our 14th anniversary of applying consciousness in the name of Omnibenevolent Change & Holy Shifts. If you have what feels like a massive or overwhelming mission, we are here to help...

Having lived in the Kingdom of Hawai'i, in Bali Indonesia and in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico I have had the immense blessing of being immersed for over a decade in these sacred places that retain a profound connection to Ceremony and to Indigenous Lineage.

With the Love of these sacred places I came powerfully back to my own Roots and have - for the last decade - been the grateful bearer of a massive basket of gifts from my own lineage. Remember, I was told everything would be given?

I am grateful to be a lineage holder in my Essene Gnostic and Kabbalist Lineage as well as my Hungarian Eurasian roots as a woman who works with horses and stars, a woman who prays with coffee and restores the Tree of Life within our Lives. So that we can flourish.

I give thanks to my Squamish Coast Salish Hosts and their unceded sacred lands and waters here in the Pacific North West where we have our home base. We pray always to be here in a good way.

Come find out how we can work directly together to Mobilize the Mystery and Wage the Miraculous.



I AM GRATEFUL to the Lineage of the Black Madonna that restores the Tree of Life and the Holy Family, in a celebration of the Divine Covenant: The Lineage of the Omega Triumphant.



I AM GRATEFUL to the Gnostic Torrent that has come for me and that guides and moves me day in and day out and that has granted me all of the many gifts I am able to share. THANK YOU.

I AM GRATEFUL to Paula Norman, Claire Luft, Mirabai Devi, Howard Wills for tremendous Grace and for my early training in Metaphysical Healing, The Kabbalah, and the Gnostic Tradition of Direct Transmission

I AM GRATEFUL to the Kingdoms of Hawai'i, Bali and the Mayan Yucatan and wider Mexico for the profound contributions of their lineages that helped restore my own.

I AM GRATEFUL to Solyomfi Nagy Zoltan, Kovacs Krisztian Tordas, Suto Anna Maria Babi and Paksi Zoltan for restoring the Hungarian Shamanic and Stellar Astrognostic Lineage and for my deep belonging in it. As well as in the deep roots of my Mongolian and Scythian epigenetic Lineage.

I AM GRATEFUL to the Essene Migration to the South of France, to Spain and to Celtic Lands, and all the Ecosystem Eldering that I received from my Ancestors and Elders there in mountains and rivers. As well as to my deep roots at Qum'ran and in Greece.

I AM GRATEFUL to Theologians Teilhard de Chardin and Margaret Barker as well as the scriptural exegesis and illuminations of Chris Dierkes which worked to articulate what was moving through this body of Gnostic communion.

I AM GRATEFUL to the Lineage of Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri and for initiation in the Kriya Yoga Lineage of Paramahamsa Hariharananda

I AM GRATEFUL to the work of Linda Tucker, Credo Mutwa, Ken Wilber, Clare Graves and countless others who have done that theoretical, holarchic, archeo-astronomical meta and post-meta work to chart the farthest lands of our discovery and render them navigable and intelligible and to offer an ecumenical dialectic.

I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL for the Benefaction of my most ancient Ancestors and for all their Blessings and Determination that I may be whole - The Stars.

AND I AM FINALLY ETERNALLY GRATEFUL for the Woman who made it all possible by giving me this Life - and who has become (and we have become to each other) the staunchest advocate, supporter, and co-conspirator, my Mother, Georgia Remond.