Zoe Christina Solaris, Gnostic (MDiv. Harvard Fellow)

March 2023, Nexwlelexwm (Bowen Island)

Welcome to the Omega Microdose, a place where we gather to receive the torrential influx of blessing that is baked into the fabric of ultimate reality, and integrate it practically in our lives and restore the Garden of Life Divine that is our original ecosystem.

My name is Zoe Christina Solaris. I am also the founder of The Omega Playground, an Ecosystem that supports Leaders who Mobilize the Mystery and Wage the Miraculous in the name of our shared thriving and restoration of this Earth to the Garden.

If you’re here, you likely have a passion for creating more good in this world. And you’re likely also convinced that changing the world no longer needs to happen through suffering. It’s a bold assertion, that doing good, waging truth and creating beauty isn’t meant to cause harm to the person doing it. In fact, it’s revolutionary. To dare to thrive in the midst of joyfully and gently shifting the world on its axis.


It’s been a lifelong impulse of mine to melt into the lava pool of direct self-revelation, what some people call God, or Great Spirit, and to let it directly influence, affect and practically reorganize our lives. But this isn’t a luxury I came upon by some accidental fluke.

Changing the world through a direct connection to Spirit came to me as an answer to a long, long, very long prayer.

My mother was a refugee of the 1956 Hungarian revolution and fled her country with my grandparents at the age of just 3 years old. Perhaps because of that, I came into this life with a profound commitment to change the world for the better. That turned into a decade as a human rights advocate, working with the UN Refugee Agency and other human rights organizations around the world, especially in Sub Saharan Africa.

What working in the world’s largest refugee camp taught me – on the border of Kenya and Somalia – was that God in the middle of a crisis, is not a luxury. God is a necessity. Working in the middle of the largest and longest running refugee camp on earth showed me time and time again, that a direct personal connection to Spirit was what was getting people through hell and back out again. It was those individuals and families that had a direct connection to Spirit in their hearts that mobilized the greatest miracles of survival against all odds. The miracles of handling loss with immense grace and peace, or threats to their lives with sudden solutions and safety.

And this didn’t just apply to the refugee families I worked with. It applied to my colleagues as well. Out in the wild world of human rights advocacy and humanitarian work there is a deep field of bureaucratic red tape, burn out, and a combination of essential life saving work and huge inefficiency based on stacks of legislation, regulation and policy.

But you know who was most effective out there in the field generating miracles on behalf of the people they served? Those who had a direct connection to the Divine. It didn’t matter if my colleagues were Hindu and Indian working in Kenya or Christian and Zimbabwean working in South Africa. The ones connected to something Greater Than Themselves in their hearts, were having the most IMPACT with their actions in the middle of some of the hardest circumstances on earth.

Maybe you’ve seen this in your own life and work. That when you come up against a wall, and remember to turn towards Spirit inside you, the wall becomes a door. And something new becomes possible.

And then it happened. In the midst of my search for how to move the needle towards our greater Good on this Earth, I had a near death experience. In some miraculous way where I survived unscathed, I got shown that you get to take nothing with you when you leave this earth, save your direct realization of the Divine. Which, when mobilized is the most effective source of blessing, and grace in our lives. And from then on, it was the only thing that mattered.

I didn’t just cling to the Divine because is the only thing that lasts. But because I had firsthand seen that it was so much the source of miracles, of healing, and transformation in the midst of otherwise impossible circumstances.

And then came 20,000 hours of of integration. Of learning the art of healing and transformation from my mentors. Of restoring my lineage. And of serving thousands of brilliant leaders and creators across 6 continents to reconnect powerfully with their Spirit and operationalize it in the Art of their Lives.


If you’ve had a peak spiritual experience or merging with Spirit, you know that revelation is not the same as integration. Brief visits to the world beyond normal everyday perception are like visits to an oasis in the middle of a desert. They’ll keep you alive, but leave you thirsty for more.

Integration of this miraculous reality and actualizing it into our everyday lives, and creations is the process of restoring the Garden. Of cultivating, deepening and expanding that thirst quenching oasis so it so large that it can easily hold the whole village. And eventually, the whole world, and the entire creation.

Welcome to the Omega Microdose, morsels of the miraculous to help us restore the Garden.


Zoe Christina Solaris (MDiv. Harvard) is a Gnostic Conduit, Founder, Creator and Mystical Mentor. She is the Founder of the Omega Playground and it's home base in The Secret Garden: An Ancestral Medicine Sanctuary on 10 acres of forest, abutting another 500 acres of temperate rainforest.

She is Hungarian and French with deeper Mongolian and Essene Roots.

She currently lives in the Pacific North West on Unceded Coast Salish Squamish Land on a magical Island in the Salish Sea with her partner, two cats Halo and Leo, and an unfolding Forest and community full of Magic.